New available on Amazon.com is Freedom: Reflections on What Makes America Great from a Veteran of World War I by State Senator Nelson S. Dilworth.
Dilworth had a varied career, including time as a rancher, a newspaper publisher, and lawmaker. After serving as the publisher of the Coachella Valley News, Dilworth enlisted in the U.S. Army and deployed to France during World War I where he “learned again how much I love my native land.”
In a political career that would span nearly a quarter century, he delivered powerful speeches on the unique freedoms granted to Americans by the Constitution and the opportunities and high standard of living given American citizens by the free market.
In themes echoed by Ronald Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” speech more than a decade later, Dilworth also repeatedly discussed the important concept that this unique freedom is both precious and fragile, and must be preserved and valued by each generation in order to be passed to the next.
“I feel safe in asserting that it is both obvious and apparent that we, today, are the beneficiaries of the courageous past achievements of our forefathers in political liberty and political institutions… In our hands rests all that is precious in America… We are, you see, the trustees of the future. It is your high privilege to preserve the best in America, to improve it, and pass it on to posterity, your children and mine. We can, in honor and integrity, do no less.” – Nelson S. Dilworth