“Many a child in California is in seismically sound school buildings today because of the efforts of Leroy Greene. He was dedicated to sending healthy children to those schools, and he did more to achieve that goal than any legislator with whom I ever served.”
– Assembly Speaker Willie Brown

State Senator Leroy F. Greene was born January 31, 1918 in Newark, New Jersey. A civil engineer, Greene served in the Army Corps of Engineers during WWII. He moved to California after the war, and was first elected to the State Assembly in 1962. By the time he retired in 1998, he was the seventh-longest serving legislator in state history. Greene died in 2002.
Articles and Short Stories
- Greene Scene: “As the World Turns” (9/21/1998)
- Greene Scene: “A Job Offering” (9/28/1998)
- Greene Scene: “‘Twas Ever Thus” (10/5/1998)
- Greene Scene: “The King is Dead, Long Live the King” (10/19/1998)
“The King is Dead…” was the last of 1,800 Greene Scene articles that the Senator wrote over 36 years as a legislator.
Awards, Resolutions, and Letters
- American Society of Civil Engineers “Civil Government Award” (1978)
- American Society of Civil Engineers letter (1979)
- California State Assembly Resolution (1982)
- Del Paso Heights School District letter (1985)
- Sacramento City Unified School District “Unsung Hero Award” (1997)
- AARP Certificate of Appreciation (1998)
- Area 4 Agency on Aging Certificate of Appreciation (1998)
- State Allocation Board Resolution (1998)
- California State Senate Rules Committee Resolution (1998)
- California Medical Assistance Commission Certificate (2000)
- Resolution from Lt. Governor Bustamante (2000)
- Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Adjourn in Memory (2002)
Other Documents
- Leroy F. Green Senate business card [front] [reverse]
- Campaign Material: “Tough Old Bird” Campaign logo (1994)